
View more posts About Me


I am the proud parent of two young girls and husband to a wonderful wife. The most important thing to me is family and I do all of this off beat tinkering in hopes to improve the life of my family. 


I love to tinker and build things.  As a child my favorite toy’s were my lego blocks.  Even then I knew that quality mattered as I only liked legos, not megablocks which were an off brand lego.  I was fortunate to fall into the collision repair industry when I became unemployed at a young age, my uncle took me under his wing and tough me many of the skills that I still use today, both for collision repair and for creating the random things I like to build.  Just about all of my other mechanical inclination came from my father, a jack of all trades.  If not for him I would probably have some boring life as a computer repair guy or something.  (no offence to computer repair guys)  I’m creating this blog site because for two reasons; one I figure some other people might be interested in some of the off the wall things that I do, and for two, mostly because I want to be able to look back on a log of the random things I have done.